Contact info: (630) 318-6899 , [email protected]

In today’s economy, tax planning is a year-round process. BLAKE ALLEN meets regularly with clients throughout the year to anticipate and identify significant tax-savings and to develop appropriate strategies for each client.  Additionally, BLAKE ALLEN distributes current industry changes affecting our clients that inform them of new tax laws and other applicable changes in tax law interpretation for the purpose of proactive tax planning. Tax planning should be part of your overall financial goals. Taxes will be one of the biggest expenses you will incur and we are passionate about helping clients reduce their taxes and build wealth.

Our tax services include:

  • Income tax return preparation for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and limited liability companies
  • Tax planning – overall and for specific business transactions
  • Corporate structure planning to minimize tax liability and optimize organizational operations
  • Obtaining and disseminating information on advance rulings from the IRS
  • Client representation before taxing authorities